Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Don't Get Cocky

Ahem. . .watercolors are tricky.  Every time I think I understand what I am doing, they bring me back down to earth.

There are certain technical points to this piece that I quite like, and of course, some that I do not.  The copper tea and stump pot came out as I hoped using a glazing technique to give more depth to the colors.  I mixed the greens of the grass instead of using pure tube sap green pigment.  There is a nice gradation to the greens, with spots of yellow, raw sienna and darker blue-greens flowing throughout the foreground.  I also drew a half inch border around the paper before starting because I have always liked how that looks in other artist's work. 

Compositionally, the rooster and the teapot/stump are too close together, I think there needed to be more space between them to draw the eye around the painting. And I definitely over worked the rooster too much, the details of his feathers are lost in the layers of dark colors.    

                                      Watercolor on 140 lbs block 9x12

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